
Walk on the Wild Side

Wild Side Cider is deeeee-licious

Wild Side cider is made from the ?nest apples from the wilds of New Zealand, with all-natural ?avours from this part of the world. It’s the cider nature would drink. When we’re not looking, of course. Wild Side Cider is also doing its part to protect New Zealand’s wild side by donating 5c to the Forest Lifeforce Restoration Trust for every bottle sold. Because if nature’s good enough to give us the ingredients for our cider, we should be good enough to give back to nature. Here’s a quick rundown of the Wild Side ciders, each the signature ?avour of a different Kiwi region:

  • Cider with wildberries: With its wild country and wilder berries, Central Otago is the perfect place to play hide and seek. Just ask Shrek the sheep who hid here for six years.
  • Cider with kiwifruit and mandarin: Te Puke is famous as the home of kiwifruit. Just down the road is the ancient Otanewainauku forest, home to our treasured kiwi. The mandarin just makes it even better.
  • Cider with feijoa and passionfruit: A taste of subtropical Northland, where both feijoa and passionfruit grow in abundance. It’s also home to the great Captain Cooker wild pig – which goes great with cider, if you can catch one.
  • Cider with Apple and pomegranate: Hawke’s Bay is a blessed land of plenty, especially if your de?nition of plenty includes sun-kissed vineyards and abundant apple trees.
  • Cider with Strawberry and lime: We’re back in Central Otago, the breeding ground for all sorts of wild fruit. And rabbits; so much so we’ve put them on the label.