Merry Cherry

Merry Cherry


  • 60ml Seedlip Spice 24
  • 15ml Six Barrel cherry & Pomegranate syrup
  • Harpoon Cold Brew Ice Cube
  • Tonic Water (we used East Imperial Burma) for a longer, breakfast-style cocktail
  • Orange zest and a cherry, to serve
This cherry, coffee and spice cocktail is sure to put you in a festive mood, no matter when you drink it.

There are two options for this caffeinated spice cocktail so you're free to enjoy it at night with no risk of staying awake!

Photo: Babiche Martens


  1. Freeze the Cold Brew coffee in advance to create an ice ball or ice cube.
  2. Mix together Seedlip Spice and cherry & pomegranate syrup into a glass and stir.
  3. Gently, lower your cold brew coffee cube or sphere into the glass. Swirl, and garnish with orange zest and cherry. For a longer drink suitable for breakfasts or brunches, top glass with tonic water, stir and serve.

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